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Culturally Committed Providers

Culturally Committed Providers are individuals who are demonstrating a commitment to improving the cultural safety of their practice through participation in the Culturally Committed Membership Program. A Culturally Committed Provider does not claim cultural competence or perfect practice, but rather demonstrates an attitude rooted in humbly acknowledging oneself as a lifelong learner and a commitment to improving the cultural safety of their services.

Culturally Committed Members Registry


Red Pin : Oral Health

Yellow Pin: Healthcare

Blue Pin: Mental Health

White Pin: Physio/Chiro/Massage

Black Pin: Finance
Green Pin: Administrator

Purple Pin: Community Worker

Orange: Educator

Olive Green: Social Worker/Counsellor

Brown: Dietician/Nutritionist

Red Dust: Technology

Trottier, Jeremy

Financial Advisor

Mid and North Vancouver Island

©2020 Culturally Committed. All rights reserved.

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We respectfully acknowledge that the office of Culturally Committed is located on the traditional, unceded lands of the Snaw-Naw-As People. We at Culturally Committed recognize that a land acknowledgement represents only a small piece in the the pursuit of reconciliation, and are committed to learning what we can do to be good allies, with the hope of inspiring others to lean into the work of decolonization.

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